One day, one of my friends, a transition nurse in a hospital, asked me if I knew the company that offers IADLs. I asked her what IADLs are? Most people in health fields know ADLs, which stand for Activities of Daily Livings, referring to bathing, dressing, feeding, etc. My nurse friend explained that IADLs are shorthand for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, such as managing different activities at home. She continued to say that few companies could offer IADL services when she needed to arrange the discharge plan from the hospital. She emphasized that most seniors need HELP for IADLs more than ADLs.
I was pretty shocked that she did not know the field of the private home support world. This is what we work for to assist seniors in being independent at home. My friend nurse was surprised and said, ” your company has evolved!”.
We, nikoniko, strongly believe that just helping ADLs of seniors at home won’t meet their needs to stay home Happy and longer. Seniors need more support from different aspects of daily life. We cook their favorite meals, clean their house, and go groceries. We check if seniors take medications timely manner and make conversation with a smile. These simple yet essential tasks bring them joy and meaningful time.
Why is our company so unique? Because we offer comprehensive care services, including ADLs and IADLs.
Please book us for our complimentary assessment. Our experienced health providers will assess your situation and tailor the plan together for your loved one.